Car pool board

Car Pool Board

With high gas prices and so many MVCC students commuting, we offer this as an option for car pooling.

Requests as of 2025/02/22

Name Occurrence Requested Date/Days Requested Time Ride From Ride To e-mail Additional note
Test, T Single Ride 2021/8/12 8am Utica Rome Test
Joshua, D Semester Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am Bellamy Hall Parking Lot entrance Carpentry and Masonry Lab

Offers available as of 2025/02/22

No offer has been submitted in the last 30 days.

* The request and offer lists will only display entries that are posted in the last 30 days.

Want to request a ride? Click here.

Want to offer a ride? Click here.

This voluntary electronic ride board is made available to students as a means to create carpools or share rides.

Individuals using this voluntary forum hold harmless Mohawk Valley Community College, its officers and employees from any injury, liability, or harm whatsoever as a result of their carpooling or ride sharing.

Any information displayed on this board is voluntary and appropriate caution should be used in revealing any personal information to others.

Mohawk Valley Community College does not review or check information, it does not screen, approve or do any background checks on potential drivers or riders, nor does MVCC facilitate making direct arrangements for any student.