Please note that this form is only a request and is not a confirmation of your room reservation. You will receive a confirmation from the appropriate campus representative once your room has been reserved.

Group Information

The event name should be limited to 50 characters or less.

Event Information

Performance Reception Ceremony Lecture Meeting/Conference Class Other

Event Timeline

Venue Setup

Hover the highlighted text for the setup previews:

As Is (Will Not Change Existing Setup)
Classroom Style
Classroom Style (Tables and Chairs)
Boardroom Style (U-Shaped Tables & Chairs)
Hollow Square
Hollow Square style
Conference style
Banquet Style
Banquet Style
Banquet Rounds
Banquet Rounds style


Additional Items:

Podium Head Table Flags other

Do you require on-site media assistance from the IT Help Desk OR a portable sound system/live streaming services from Events and Guest Services?

Do you require additional tables for catering?

Yes No


If you would like to advertise your event to the college community, please consider putting an announcement on Yammer.

For further questions, please contact:

Utica – Facilities and Operations at x5396

Rome – Office of the Dean at x7700