DGV logo

 [via e-mail from Sarah A. Coleman, Ph.D., 17 October 2008]     [bq home]

Question: Who has to complete this graduation requirement?
Beginning in the Fall of 2008, all incoming students, students who change their majors and re-matriculated students must fulfill the Diversity/Global View requirement for graduation.

Question: Why did MVCC establish this graduation requirement?

“In the classroom and the broader college community, Mohawk Valley Community College emphasizes an appreciation of the differences in individuals. These include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, academic abilities and interests, age, religious beliefs, and physical ability. The College recognizes that our students need to understand that in today's world, different cultures interact and must be appreciated. We hold a global view which perceives the interconnectedness of technological, ecological, economic, social, health and political issues that must be understood and addressed from an international perspective. Students will develop an intercultural awareness and a respect for other points of view, and will be prepared to be participants in an increasingly global community.”

(General Education Statement on Diversity and Global View.)


Question: What do students have to do to fulfill this requirement?
Answer: Most students pursuing an Associate's Degree must complete ONE course required in their major, four tutorials found in Blackboard online, and attend four DGV approved events. Typically, students pursuing Certificates must complete two tutorials and attend two DGV approved cultural events.

As one of the required tutorials, students must complete the tutorial “Introduction to Diversity and Global View”.
It is important to note that these are “generic” requirements. Please check with your advisor to make sure that these are the requirements that apply to your specific program.


Question: How does MVCC know if I complete these requirements?
Answer: Tutorial completions and your scores are automatically recorded in Blackboard. You must obtain a score of 80% on a tutorial for it to count. Every student automatically has an account in Blackboard when they register for classes at MVCC.

Attendance D/GV approved events is tracked and recorded through a swipe card system. Bring your College ID to these events so it can be swiped!


Question: How do I know if an event is an approved DGV (Diversity/Global View) event?
Answer: Some events are sponsored by the College Cultural Committee  and their brochures are available at many locations around campus. That committee's DGV approved events are indicated by the DGV logo. Also, watch for posters around campus advertising other DGV approved events.


Question: How do I access the DGV tutorials on Blackboard?

  1. Go to the MVCC Home Page
  2. Go to the menu on the bottom of the left hand side and click on MV Online Blackboard.
  3. Then sign in with your username and password as you would sign on to the computers in the computer labs. [Username = first initial + last name + day of birth (ex. Msmith04) and Password = the last 4 digits of your social security #. You will then get to the Blackboard home page.
  4. In the upper right hand corner you will see a list of online courses in which you are "enrolled".
  5. Click on Diversity and Global View. Now you will be at the Diversity/Global View menu.
  6. Go to the top left hand side and click on tutorials. Now you will get a list on tutorial topics.
  7. Select a topic, click and then select a tutorial from those listed under that topic.
  8. Click on it, read it, get to the end and launch the quiz.
  9. When you finish the quiz, go to "course tools", click and then choose grade report to get your score. If you need to print your score, you can do so by clicking on the quiz and then clicking on print.

Question: What if students are assigned to complete a tutorial in a course that they are taking – does that count toward the DGV requirement?
Answer: Yes.


Question: Can I take a tutorial more than once to improve my score?
Answer: Yes.


Question: How do I know what courses are DGV courses?
Answer: All programs (with a few exceptions) have at least one required course in the program that meet DGV standards, so you really don't need to be concerned as to whether or not you are taking a DGV approved course. However, if you want to know what the specific DGV courses are, see the section that lists these courses.


Question: What if I transferred a course to MVCC from another school and it is listed as a DGV course at MVCC. Does it fulfill the DGV requirement at MV?
Answer: Yes.

Diversity and Global View Courses


Course Number and Title

AL 101 - ASL 1

AL 102 - ASL 2

AN 101 - Physical Anthropology

AN 102 - Cultural Anthropology

BM 110 - Principles of Microeconomics

BM 115 - Principles of Macroeconomics

BM 150 - Small Business Management

BM 230 - Money & Banking

BM 250 - Principles of Management

BM 264 - Professional Selling

BM 294 - Business Internship

CJ 107 - Juvenile Delinquency

CT 243 - Construction Management

EN 102 - English 2: Ideas & Values

EN 105 - English I for Non-Native Speakers

EN 255 - World Literature 1

EN 256 - World Literature 2

EN 271 - British Literature 1

EN 272 - British Literature 1

FS 160 - Dining Room Service

GE 101 - Essentials of World Geography

HI 101 - History of Civ 1

HI 102 - History of Civ 2

HI 111 - American History 1

HI 112 - American History 2

HS 101 - Intro to Human Services

HS 231 - Ethics, Policy, and Law

HU 186 - Music Appreciation

HU187 - Art Appreciation

HU 204 - History of Art 1

HU 205 - History of Art 2

IS 101 - Intro to Computers

IS 140 - Electronic Business Presentations

IS 208 - Practical Computing/21st Cent.

IS 210 - Database Design & Management

IS 240 - Networking Essentials

PS 101 - American National Government

PS 202 - Comparative Politics

PS 205 - International Politics

PY 207 - Life-Span Developmental Psych

PY 208 - Death, Dying & Bereavement

SA 300 - Study Abroad

SO 101 - Intro to Sociology

SO 202 - Marriage & Family Living

SO 205 - Racial & Ethnic Minorities

SO 206 - Social Significance of Gender

SO 207 - Sociology of Religion

Elementary Language 1 & 2

Review Language 1 & 2

Intermediate Language 1 & 2

Advanced Language 1 & 2